Saturday, January 1, 2011

Winter break is over?

It seems like it went by way to fast. My break was pretty much Skiing, and Art. I have to admit I got a bit freaked out by the fact we have 100 photos and two concentration pieces due when we get back. Here are some of the photos I took:

I'm not the best at photography... at all. But I tried.

Mrs. McBride, I told my friend Katie about the Squirrel Portfolio at two in the morning, so me and her proceeded to take many many photos of her stuffed squirrels that night, and the next day at the mountain:


  1. that black and white photo is so cool! and Louise looks like she's drinking blood.

  2. yay! squirrels!!!! that was such a fun day :D

  3. I think the first comment is very funny, and the second is absolutely beautiful. Was that metal or natural? Great lighting. The third is good, but I deffinetly think you should photoshop it to enhance to color and at contrast and light...of course I like the squirrel.

  4. Thank you Ashley :) It is natural. It's a dried out plant.
    I agree with you on the third one.
    Amy- Thank you! hahaha you just made that photo creepy XD
    Zoe- SO FUN.
